
c# Entity Framework Core 6 0.15 : create a middle entity or not?

Some folks may want to test against a different engine, for instance SQL Server might be the target database engine, but tests run against a SQLite instance. While possible, this approach leads to more problems like SQL syntax differences and having to manage a different migration strategy entirely. The best option is to run our tests against a production-like environment, as we’ll eliminate issues that could arise from engine variations. It can be difficult depending on the database, but with containerization technologies like Docker, the problem of managing isolated instances has never been easier for developers.

Entity Framework is an open-source ORM framework for .NET applications supported by Microsoft. It enables developers to work with data using objects of domain specific classes without focusing on the underlying database tables and columns where this data is stored. Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is an open-source, lightweight, and cross-platform version of Entity Framework data-access technology. It is an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) tool that enables developers to work with relational databases using .NET objects.

Saving Data

The following diagram shows the supported types of applications that we can develop using EF Core. EF Core makes life simpler by allowing you to work with the database using .NET objects, instead of having to write data access code. If you have an existing database and database tables are already there, then you need to use the EF Core Database First Approach. In the database-first approach, the EF Core creates the DBContext and Domain classes based on the existing database schema using EF Core Command.

EF Core has built-in connection resiliency mechanisms that support retry and cool-down strategies. These are enabled by default when using SQL Server variant database engines, but we can configure resiliency for our specific needs. We now get the same results and have cached the same query in two separate instances of its use. Using constants in our queries, we may be inadvertently polluting EF Core’s internal query cache and hurting overall query performance.

Use batch updates for large numbers of entities

Here, we can see that our DbContext Class has a Products entity defined as a property. This means that by using an instance of this DbContext class, we will be able to perform operations over the Product Entity. what is entity framework We can ask the CLI to scaffold entities and relationships from an existing database using the scaffold command. Database First suggests creating the data model from the existing database and tables.

what is entity framework core

While still being an abstraction for database engines, the interface additions to EF Core seem to embrace the inevitability of dealing with the database. “Delete” is one of those words that can have a different meaning depending on our perspective. As users, we want deletes to account for mistakes and recover any information we accidentally removed. As developers, and in the instance of EF Core, delete is unflinching and unapologetic about removing our data from existence, permanently. When developing a new application, we may tend towards the convenience of hard deletes, but we can add soft deletes to our applications with a little effort. Indexes are an essential part of optimizing database access.

What is Entity Framework?

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Both ORMs are great and work with any kind of project, from small-scale to massive enterprise-level applications. The answer is 100% a personal / enterprise culture choice. Try to replicate the production environment in functional and integration testing as close as possible.

what is entity framework core